At a Glance
Height: 6' | Eye Color: Amber | Hair Color: Light Brown / Dark Blonde
Acting Shakespeare, Strindberg, or Wilde for a live audience, certainly makes contemporary material much easier ground to cover, and provides a skill set like no other. My training has helped me to take highly poetic material,
and make it real, accessible, and truthful.
Character / Production
Leonard Vole | Witness for the Prosecution
dir: Ani Marderosian
Young Ebenezer Scrooge | A Christmas Carol
dir: Zoe Bright, Tayah Howard
Lord Illingworth (Lead) | A Woman of No Importance
dir: Ian Ogilvy
Henry V (Lead) | William Shakespeare
dir: Timothy Landfield
William Gillette (Lead) | The Game's Afoot
dir: Perry Hart
Walter (Lead) | Months on End
dir: Brenda Beck
Bill Fordham | August: Osage County
dir: Brenda Beck
Character | Production | Director
Hubert Jager | FLY WEST | dir: Scott Reiniger
Don Juan Diego | El Caballero | dir: Terra Budreviciute
Edward | A Story to Begin ... | dir: Scott Reiniger
Eli | Luiseño | dir: Tanner Morrison
Ryan | Connecting | dir: Thomas Horton
Rafe | Princeton Review | dir: Leanna Spear
Character | Production | Director
Jeff | Sex Sent Me to the ER | dir: Mitch Marcus
Sean | BRAUN (Commercial) | dir: Nick Costello
Gaard Galen | The Outer Rim | dir: Maurisun Hesse
Training & Workshops
Intensive | Stunt Safety and Performance | Will Leong (The Matrix Trilogy)
Intensive | Single Sword Certification | Tim Weske (Master & Commander)
Intensive | Audition Technique & Scene Study | Margie Haber
Intensive | Acting Technique & Scene Study | Patrick Day
Intensive | Improve Technique/Scene Work | Mark McCracken
Comprehensive | Elocution & IPA | Alexandra Wright
Comprehensive | Accents & Dialects | Dr. Linda Brennan
Comprehensive | Stage Combat | Sword Master Leclerc
Special Skills
Fencing - I began the study of Fencing when I was five years old with a variety of swords, picked up from around the world: broadswords from England, rapiers from France, scimitars from India, even a Bedouin short sword, with which I am proficient.
Horsemanship - I ride both Western & English Equestrian Styles.
Dialects - Capable of performing almost any accent or dialect if given time to prepare. Comprehensive knowledge of scansion and text analysis.
Dance - Trained for two years studying dance throughout history with Mark Knowles, handling complex choreography whilst showcasing fully articulated character, relationship, and environment work. Performed the Medieval Pavane, Galliard, Lancer's Quadrille, Minuet, 18th and 19th Century Movement and Classical Flirtations, Ballet, Barre, Jazz, as well as the Charleston, and many others.
Composition - I compose and improvise for piano and interned with Hans Zimmer at Remote Control Productions to better understand the emotional subtext of a character's journey and place within a narrative.
Leadership - My music has been featured on stage at Stratford Circus, in London, at the Emirates Stadium, in films produced for the MET Film School in London, and as the main title sequence used in Oxford's Speaker Profile Series during my appointment as Media Officer at the Oxford Union from Michaelmas, 2011 to Hilary Term, 2012.